famous doctor Gaus, a very handsome man, tall, brown eyes and hair; he was the
most wished by women, and the most envied by men. Doctor Gaus seemed to have a
perfect life, he possessed a lot of money and luxuries, but there was something
that definitely didn't fit in his life.
Marie, resident of the Pragma Caribe hospital in Cartagena - Colombia, I like
to detail the people and for that reason I´m going to tell you the curious case
of the doctor Gaus. The doctor was the friendliest person in all the hospital,
he was recognized in the country, but there was something that I didn’t like in
that man, then I decided to do a kind of “tracing” to doctor Guas by some
months. I noted that doctor Gaus never
turned off the lights of his room, I concluded that Gaus never slept, and this
satiation was very awkward because a person that doesn’t sleep in months is
someone that starts to have mind problems; I didn’t understand anything but my
investigation continued ongoing.
day I did a strange question to doctor Gaus, I said: “Doctor Gaus, what is the
thing that you more wish in your life?” He answered with a strange tone of
voice. –Learning to speak Chinese. I was more confused than before, I didn’t
understand anything.
day I had the courage to enter into his home to search for information, in this
house big and very beautiful, was a red door with Chinese letters at the end of
the corridor. I had curiosity, and then I opened the door and inside was a kind
of basement. I discovered something
frightening inside this room, there was 6 Asiatic women chained; I ran scared,
definitely doctor Gaus was crazy.
after I continued investigating, trying to understand which his objective was,
I related my find with the question that I did to Gaus a few days ago. I had
many doubts, why Gaus keep them locked? With all his money, he could pay for
the end all started to have sense, doctor Gaus didn’t achieve to get to sleep,
and that of course, made that his behavior was strange.
day I filled with courage and I confessed to doctor Gaus that I had been chased
him during some weeks, and that I knew his dark secret. He looked at me with
anger and carried me to a café, he told me all, and he said: -I like the
Asiatic women because I love their language; I forced them to teach me, but I
mistreat them because I like to see when they suffer and I like to see the fear
in their faces, that thing makes me happy, but now you will be enclosed with
the Asiatic women because you are a threat for me, you know very much.
Gaus drugged me and carried me to that horrible place in his house, I didn’t
support that situation and after some months of maltreat I decided to take my
remind you that I´m Marie and I telling my story from heaven.
He owns? I only find words that i probably write different but ir doesn't mean that its wrong, the story is perfectly written and have an interesting context. I really liked it. Love you Nietszche