Thursday, June 12, 2014

"The wishes more estranges are of the space"

He was setting, observing silently from a spaceship to race human an all the others lives in the Earth, but in special the animals that walking. Whatever could understand is why they could walk and he not.
-Why I can’t walk? - He asked
-you can never Otelo, you are an octopus. – responded his friend Ozy.
-¡Yes I know¡, but if I have eight forelegs. Why I can’t walk? - spoke Otelo.
-Look Otelo, we are a breed superior of planet octopotus and come from a galaxy distant, I think that like a civilization we have to move and leave the things antiquates, why walk when you could swim so fast and hide in a little bottle?-responded Ozy.-  anyway  since  that you started to look at the animals and people in the Earth you not stop of think about of walk.
-You know this not true, besides we have much family en the seas and the oceans is not it? Maybe one day decide to visit. - Otelo closed the theme.
Days after otelo decide travel to the Earth without ozy. Even though stay few days in the sea, in the house of the aunt Concha Pretravic.
To get the sea greet his aunt with the way more typical of the planet octoptus, with a hug of eight arms.
-aunt I come to ask an advice.
-Ohh my dear nephews tell me what your problem.
-lately, I want leave this arms and walk, like the others animals.
-Ummm I see… I this case you have to travel to Africa when the elephants, and look to the matriarch Tachulu and ask two wishes.
-I do aunt, thank you very much, I love you.
When Otelo came to Africa saw the herd of elephants, and a group more little was guarding to the matriarch Tachulu, one old woman very noble and loved by all for everything, not only for her wisdom also for her  personality.
- Matriarch Tachulu I am …
-I know who you are son of ocean close to me.
Otelo close her with the bubble of water that warning.
-I know what you want son…but tell my why? And that is of heart.
-I want walk…always I liked the idea of walk touch of ground with my fingers or maybe legs and move.
-okay... I see and hear you heard you heart that you intention are good, but you will have to help me.
- Whatever matriarch.
-fifth of my elephants want to remember the times when the world was more beautiful and calm and we the elephants we were the big  mamuts, help me to remember one way make them more happy for one day. You have only one day for find an answer.
Otelo think all the day but not find any answer, when missing fifteen for to be completed the day, Otelo remember that his aunt say something about the two wishes of the matriarch.
- Matriarch I know how converts the elephants in mamuts.
-Son always I knew you would, but you delay so mucho. However tell me what is you which.
-I which that the elephants become in mamuts and also I which walk.
When began the change, the matriarch said that the whishes is only for a day. Otelo think that is ok because he loved be an octopus.
Otan awakened, and he smelled a fragrance of flowers, and he saw the five mamuts, with gigant steps, also he saw that he had four legs and long thick fur, and he knew that he was a mamut.
When everything finishes Otelo tanked for the wishes and he want for the space.
Watching from the most distant of the space Otan still looking the Earth and again Ozy appeared.
- You still have the crazy idea of walk?

-No, I realize that to many years I walk.


  1. change the word "in special" ---- specially
    "you can never Otelo" ---- you never could do it otelo
    "spoke Otelo" ------ answered otelo
    "galaxy distant"---- remember that the adjetive precedes the noun "distant galaxy "
    "you not stop of think" you can´t stop thinking

  2. hi lina!
    i think that your first mistake is: What ever "could" understand - correction: "couldn't" for that have sense with the text.
    i like you story, is very funny.
